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Language of Love

PAIRS has been called the Language of Love. Throughout PAIRS Essentials, you will learn new terms and a unique meaning of some that may already be familiar. At the heart of PAIRS is a unique technology that combines practical knowledge and skills in an experiential process to empower joyful, fulfilling relationships built on a foundation of goodwill, empathy, and compassion. 

  • Goodwill includes kindness towards others. In PAIRS, goodwill is represented by four c’s: commitment, caring, communication, and change. 
  • Empathy is the ability to identify with or experience the feelings, thoughts or attitudes of another person. 
  • Compassion is the expression of our desire to alleviate suffering.  
  • Bonding goes beyond the traditional definition of a close relationship that often develops as a result of intense, shared experiences to represent the biologically-based human need for the combination of emotional openness and physical closeness with another person.
Other terms likely to take on new meaning through your PAIRS Essentials training include phrases such as “Relationship Road Map,” “Stress Styles,” “Leveling,” “Daily Temperature Reading,” “Empathic Listening,” “Talking Tips,” “Love Bank,” “Emotional Stages,” “Emotional Jug,” “Time-Out,” “Dirty Fighting,” “Fair Fight for Change,” “Relationship Agreement,” “Love Knots,” “Powergram,” “Emotional Allergies,” and “Infinity Loops.” 

Throughout PAIRS, we encourage you to be a detective on your own behalf, open to exploring, connecting, and growing. 

Part of the gift of new experiences such as those offered by PAIRS is that you can try them out -- similar to how you’d try on a new outfit -- and decide what fits for you at a given moment in time and what may not. 

The goal of PAIRS is to give you the best opportunity for your wishes, hopes, and dreams to have the greatest chance of coming true. Embracing the opportunity for learning and discovery will help you decide what will best contribute to the goals and values that are most important to you. 
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