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About PAIRS Essentials

PAIRS is a research-validated, highly experiential approach to creating and sustaining successful relationships. Through an innovative, proprietary technology researched and refined over more than a quarter century, PAIRS consistently delivers experiences that empower participants with practical, usable skills to strengthen emotional literacy, empathy, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, connection, and bonding.

PAIRS stands for Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills. The range of PAIRS programs emerged out of a multi-decade search for answers to all the questions of what it took not to fall in love -- that’s the easy part -- but to sustain healthy, intimate relationships through life’s natural passages, transitions, and challenges. Beyond the domain of romantic love, our capacity to create and sustain successful interpersonal relationships is increasingly recognized as the basis for thriving families, schools, teams, organizations, workplaces, and societies.

Inspired by the pioneering work of Virginia Satir, widely considered the mother of family therapy, the nonprofit PAIRS Foundation was established in 1983 to create a safer, saner, more loving world through experiential learning that strengthens human connection. Since 2017, advancing that mission has been the responsibility of Purpose Built Families Foundation, a nationally accredited nonprofit dedicated to strengthening families as the foundation of resilient neighborhoods and communities. The skills delivered in PAIRS Essentials empower participants with practical, usable, time-tested tools for accurate, authentic communication; deepening empathy and compassion; listening attentively to create an environment of emotional openness and honesty; navigating conflict and differences constructively on behalf of a shared vision and mission; uncovering hidden expectations to avoid assumptions and misunderstandings; recognizing the influence of past experiences; and embracing opportunities for growth, learning and collaboration. 

Advanced programs more deeply explore the self, family and system dynamics, the role of bonding in the accelerated re-education of emotions, behaviors, and attitudes, creatively sculpting, living and celebrating the very essence of purpose in daily life at home, work and within community, expanding sensual and sexual connection in committed relationships, and empowering young people to connect with peers through experiences that boost self-esteem, self-confidence, and decision-making.
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